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Digital Retinal Imaging

Instead of dilating your eyes to check your retina's health, we use a high definition imaging scanner to capture an image, or create a mosaic of images of the back of your eye. Dr. Atkins is able to detect and diagnose a wide variety of conditions with the information he sees and can keep a record of your retina's health over the years. If he finds something he considers concerning, he may recommend a treatment or refer you to a retinal specialist.
Reasons why we may dilate instead of taking the retinal image: 1) small pupil, 2) we are doing an evaluation for LASIK, 3) Dr. Atkins decides it's needed, 4) patient opts for dilation.
Please note that if you choose to be dilated, your eyes should return to normal within 4-48 hours. We recommend planning to be here for an additional 45-60 minutes, bringing sunglasses, and having a family member drive.
The Eidon AF takes true-color images using a gentle white light flash.
It can see through cataracts and other opacities.
The Eidon AF captures 60° in a single exposure, and sees up to 150° with the mosaic function.
The image to the right is a 9 image mosaic!

We offer a few options for your visit:
The three image mosaic: $25 or your specified copay, whichever is less.
Dr. Atkins recommends this option for all adults and medical appointments.
If there is something medical that is seen in the photo, we may be able to bill it medically.
The screening photo is a single image captured of the back of your eye and is $0. It captures the area within the orange circle in the image to the right.
Dr. Atkins recommends this option for people 18 and under.​
It's also available as an option for those on Apple Health Insurance though Dr. Atkins does recommend the full test instead of screening.
If you have a medical condition we will take up to nine images to see as much of the retina as possible. This is part of a medical exam and will be billed to medical insurance or be a part of the self-pay fee.
The photos to the right have a retinal disease.